Tag Archives: Don Jon

Jennie’s Review: Don Jon

Letter Grade:

The Good:

Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Writer, Director, and Star
It’s brutally honest and unapologetic
Julianne Moore

The Bad:

The graphic and vulgar subject matter will be too much for some people

Cast & Crew:

Written by, Directed by, and Starring - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Also Starring: Scarlett Johansson, Julianne Moore, Tony Danza

Rated R for strong graphic sexual material and dialogue throughout, nudity, language and some drug use

DON JONIn a modern interpretation of the 17th century legendary character (and womanizer) Don Juan, Don Jon opens with a fast cut montage of a lot of scantily clad women in many different forms from pop culture, commercials, music videos, professional cheerleaders, actresses on the red carpet, and of course, porn.  We meet the title character Jon (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) as he sits at his computer, with his voiceover rationalizing his preference to porn over real women.  He is not rationalizing it to himself, but to us the viewers.  He knows he’s right.  He has no trouble hooking up with women (as is graphically displayed) but it’s just not the same and he is incapable of truly loosing himself with anyone but his online ladies.  He then meets Barbara (Scarlett Johansson) and everything changes, but not in the ways you would expect.


September Movie Preview

September is upon us, and while there aren’t as many films being released, you can tell that it’s getting a little closer to awards season.  I’ve got a really good feeling about this Riddick movie.  


Release Date: September 6th

Synopsis: Betrayed by the Necromongers and left for dead on a desolate planet, Riddick fights for survival against alien predators and becomes more powerful and dangerous than ever before. Soon bounty hunters from throughout the galaxy descend on Riddick only to find themselves pawns in his greater scheme for revenge. With his enemies right where he wants them, Riddick unleashes a vicious attack of vengeance before returning to his home planet of Furya to save it from destruction.  Directed by David Twohy and starring Vin Diesel.  Both having done the previous 2 feature films in the series.

Our Thoughts:

Felix: Pitch Black was better than expected, but unfortunately it gave us Vin Diesel.
Chronicles was… I don’t think I ever saw that movie completely because it was boring, barely had a plot, and Vin Diesel was overacting

Rob: Giving us Vin Diesel… isn’t that bad a thing? We’ve pretty well managed to contain him to Fast and Furious movies and these Riddick sequels which apparently are low budget enough to turn a profit…

Dammit! I jinxed things. – http://www.empireonline.com/news/story.asp?NID=38571

Jennie: While I probably will not be seeing this movie, I do appreciate that they are going back to the R rating category for this film. The first one was R and was reasonably successful. The second one they made PG-13 in hopes to widen the audience (which I get, but abhor for movies that really should be rated R) and it was, all things considered, a flop. This type of movie is supposed to be scary, violent, gory, and not appropriate for young teenagers.

Dave: For the life of me I will never understand why people go see Vin Diesel movies…It just hurts my brain to think about. He’s so awful. I just looked up his filmography…it hurts my head. He’s such a terrible actor and yet he is probably doing backstrokes through olympic-sized pools full of money in his mansion as I type this.

In case that was unclear: I’m going to skip this one.

Felix: But he was the bomb in Iron Giant!

Rob: No, he was the robot.

Felix: Yes but the robot was a giant bomb, hence, he was the bomb
